Friday, April 15, 2011

The Arab Spring Revolution

                           “The Arab Spring Revolution “

           New York

                 A Region that was once placated as not fit for Democracy such as the one western nation enjoys has exploded peacefully for that Democracy. We were told that Democracy cannot be forced on people but must come from within now more than five Arab nations are demanding their natural rights to be free and throw away the garments of past fears.

         Tunisia a nation that was more pragmatic then their Arab brothers accidently started what eighty years of defeats and poverty had hovered of the 400 million Arabs.

         This observer is astonished at the foot dragging pace of western nations in embracing or their short comings of not nurturing these peaceful movements.

       What will these new Democracy translate to the interest of the western nations who for years have been betting on these mules called Arab leaders  to provide and deliver the input of their masters.  Democracy will change the relationships of client States to nations who will work together for common interest of these nations according to public opinions and voters at the ballot.

         Egypt a proud nation who more than fifty years ago played an important role in regional and World affairs was shrunk by the policies of dictators who embraced the idea of being client states. The question is why was Egypt with its proud people and rich history neutered from playing their natural role in world’s affairs.

      We are living in fast paced World were changes are scaring  us but what can be worst then the state we are in, stagnate economies  ,unemployment that has reach double digits and in some of these nations  poverty line is over 70%.

         Whatever this spring produces our hope is that a harvest of human rights and Democracy for a people who have been short changed for many years.


       These chants stopped the Tanks and security forces that for years struck fear in the hearts of their population.

                                                                                                                                Salah Sharhan

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