Friday, March 18, 2011

“The currency of Freedom “

Sana’a Republic of Yemen

          In life rules are self-set for each individual for example there are who do and there are the walking dead who never do.
             Revolutions are strange in the way they begin for example the fruit vendor in a market in Tunisia  lit the fire that was simmering in the peoples blood and the results are the fall of Tunisia’s government then Egypt as a matter of time many false Gods will tumble and fall.
           Revolutions are paved on the backs of the many unsung heroes who pay the currency of their revolution that currency is their innocent blood that is spilled to feed the hunger to revolt.
       Today  Friday 3/18/2011  in the capital of Yemen Sana’a many young people made their first payment to embodies there  was paid with death of 45 person and hundreds injured with their blood they have guaranteed that there is no turning back.
        To all those who their tongues gave permission to their sadist soldiers to murder our children should be trembling in their seats because they made the mistake of collecting the currency of those who are heaven bound and the living who well carry on the dreams of their peers.
            I send my condolences to the Fathers and mothers who lost their children in Sana’a change square, those who fell by the bullets of cowards who could not even show their faces.
           Let us who love freedom celebrate that those who denied us our natural  birth right as free people ,the murders have made the mistake of collecting the Currency of freedom. 

                                                                                            Salah Sharhan

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

“The Games they play “

        Benghazi, Libya
                When the Tunisian fruit vendor revolution started the political tsunami in the Middle East the western governments were in shock to see their clients fall one after the other.
                Then came Libya with its people yearning for freedom but have manic leader that nothing will deter him from destroying those oppose him. When first it started as a peaceful march we thought it will take its pace with an ending like Tunisia and Egypt.
        While reading the New York Times I saw the word rebel to describe the demonstrators then a bell rang in my head something is in play in the western mind, they found that Libya can be used to derail the political avalanche in the Middle East.
       As you know Khadafy has 100 of billion dollars in western bank and from his history with the West he always pays. So when we started seeing Western Government a take action thru the United Nation in freezing Libyans assets  and to ask the World Court to investigate any war crimes. I started asking myself most of these  countries do not recognize the Court in the Hague  so how can they  threatened Libya who also don’t recognize the court you make sense of it?
      Watching this western bull shitters make all these statements of a no fly zone was laughable because such language was used as a  negation tactic to exert money from Khadafy’s , While the poor  Libyan’s fighting were being picked one by one in the open fields of Libya’s. Every time Khadafy delays the payments western governments convene a meeting as what to do with Libyan crisis  when payment is paid a form of foot dragging go’s to give the Libyan military a window to mop  the freedom fighters.
         To all those Libyans who aspired for freedom you were used as a form of currency for those Western low life’s who prefer Khadafy because at the end he always pays.
           To the freedom fighters do not look to others for help because a complaint made to other then God is a form of cowardice. Just remembers you are your own heroes and look and other way will be your demise.
         To western governments shame on you and you blood money via the Khadafy bank accounts in you banks