The simmering bloods of the masses has been boiling for years and it will stay oiling until the right match is found it will unleashes a volcanic wave of all the dreams that were lost under the thumb of the out dated leaders in the Arab World.
In Tunisia a man whose University degree offered him a cart selling fruit in a makeshift market, then the match came in the form of a police officer who degraded the already degradable of soulless man by confiscation the cart that the men had only left to believe there is a better tomorrow.
After losing the thing that he only had in a despair world of unemployment and the pain endured by the intelligence agency who are punishing the masses to save their daily bread;
When the man set himself on fire he sent a message directly to the masses either lives as a slave of the State or die free.
Now it’s up to the masses to regain its freedom as humans and set the fire under the seat of the out date leaders.
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